
Ben is currently a student at Drexel University Majoring in Animation and VFX in the class of 2025. He is currently getting into the details of rigging to finish his general knowledge of the 3D animation pipeline from pre-visualization to post. During one of his internships, he interned at the Glimpse Group as an independent contractor where he worked with 3D assets in the context of VR and QA testing. Ben accidentally fell into the world of 3D animation while trying to learn 2D animation and never looked back. He loves everything about the 3D animation pipeline and he’s trying to increase his proficiency in all sections. His favorite thing to do at the moment is 3D asset creation, but he is able to fit in at any point. In the future, he hopes to get involved in the pipeline professionally and make 3D assets for animated films or games.

“If it’s still broken, you haven’t googled it enough times yet.” -2021